Community Guidelines

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Starship Roleplay's community guidelines.

There are few strictly-enforced rules. We have a block system--if you dislike a player's activity, you can block them in the 'Crew' tab. The in-game block system is our form of self-moderation.

SSRP Guidelines

1. Obey the ROBLOX Terms of Service: Do not perform acts that violate ROBLOX's Terms of Service, such as exploiting, scamming, or adult behavior. Violations of the ROBLOX Terms of Service will result in a permanent ban. Terms of Service violations include:

  • Explicit or erotic content, such as Erotic Roleplay (ERP).
  • Exploiting, cheating, or usage of illegitimate techniques or software.
  • Copying or plagiarizing the legitimate work of another person and claiming it as your own.
  • The disclosure of one’s or another person’s personal information, such as their real name, location, financial information, or other personal information that can potentially be used against them.
  • Discrimination against a person for their race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or age.
  • See Roblox Terms Of Service for more information.

2. The harassment of another player for any reason is prohibited.

  • Do not attempt to block-rally, demean or otherwise instigate behavior against a person.
  • Block rallying is defined as campaigning or instigating other players to block a singular person, often with the intent of kicking them from the server.
  • Do not instigate or provoke long, heated arguments about roleplay issues, especially if they begin to disrupt the roleplay or the server as a whole.
  • If you have a serious disagreement with another player, you are both encouraged to use the in-game block function to block one another and move on.

3. The usage of alternate accounts or bots in simultaneous usage in-game is prohibited.

  • Do not use alternate accounts or bots, especially if used for the purposes of blocking someone, occupying limited roles/officers, or if used to physically clog up space or play as multiple people.

Roleplay Guidelines

Roleplay guidelines should not be strictly enforced; however, these practices are frowned upon by the staff. Action should only be taken if a user begins to disrupt the server or breaks other mentioned rules.

1. Any user can block another user for any reason.

  • Blocking is Starship Roleplay’s form of self-moderation -- if you do not like someone’s behavior, block them. If you have an issue with being blocked, contact that person externally or via a second person. You cannot report someone for blocking you for illegitimate or false reasons (false blocking), and staff will take no action for such.

2. Do not powerplay, godmod, or otherwise elevate your character’s health or abilities to unnatural lengths.

  • This is defined as using ludicrous statistics or items, such as impenetrable armor, to your character’s advantage to give them an unparalleled edge, usually in combat. Saying your character is ‘bulletproof’ is powerplay, and saying your character is invincible is godmodding.

3. Permission to kill is encouraged, but not enforced.

  • Permissions relating to the maiming, injury, or death of a character, such as PTK (permission to kill) are not universally enforced by staff, but are encouraged.
  • Provisions for PTK also apply to any variants related to it, such as permission to injure/cripple (PTI/PTC).
  • Characters displaying clear hostile intentions who have actively instigated combat, such as antagonists and hostile characters, do not have PTK/PTI/PTC provisions apply to them.

4. Give other users a chance to react to your actions.

  • Speedtyping is only allowed if the person you are roleplaying with is okay with it.
  • Speed typing is defined as typing out actions in rapid succession in order to give your character an unfair advantage over your opponent, such as performing several quick moves in succession before your character has a chance to react.

5. Do not disrupt roleplay while out-of-character.

  • While you are out-of-character, do not disrupt roleplay nor instigate in-character actions through out-of-character means.

6. Use appropriate rankings for roles.

  • A character cannot play as roles they do not occupy, for example, a crewman or security officer cannot play as the Captain.

7. All external information and lore on the wiki is completely optional to follow.

  • Save for this document, you are not required to follow all lore and/or guidelines available on the wiki, and you are allowed and given the right to disregard it and create your own lore. The information found on the wiki and in the lore tab in-game both serve to provide a ‘baseline’ for the universe that the game is set in. It is not intended to railroad nor restrict your roleplay.

Mechanical Rules

1. Do not abuse noise-making props.

  • Noise-making props include firearms and the PDA and radio. The noise produced using these props should be restricted to certain appropriate scenarios and should not be used or spammed unnecessarily.
  • This means no randomly shooting, but also no spamming the usage of the PDA’s or radio’s noise functionality. Also applies to the repeated opening and closing of doors or button presses.

2. Use the intercom for important in-character speech only. Do not argue over the intercom.

  • The intercom is defined as the method of announcing important messages to the crew via a text box at the top of the screen.
  • Avoid using the intercom for out-of-character speech or actions. Out-of-character actions include casual speech or discussion or using the intercom for arguments.
  • Keep arguments to chat channels only.

3. Do not occupy roles if you are not doing any notable work in them (unnecessary occupation).

  • This is colloquially known as ‘role-hogging’. If you are occupying a limited role such as an officer role without actively roleplaying or contributing to the roleplay as said role, you are considered unnecessarily occupying it.

Staff Provisions

1. All rules are subject to change.

  • Staff may add or change any of these rules at any given time at their discretion.

2. Staff members have the final say in moderation.

  • Moderators are allowed to take action against any content or user that they personally deem rulebreaking or obtrusive to the server, and their decision is final unless appealed or stated otherwise.

3. Rule enforcement is up to staff discretion.

  • Staff members retain the authority to ignore the enforcement of specific rules at their discretion, however, they are held fully accountable for any consequences that may result from their actions.

4. Do not impersonate staff or staff roles.

  • Do not claim to have personal ties to a staff member if you do not have evidence to prove it.
  • Do not attempt to pretend to be a member of staff, or pretend to be a role that only staff can normally occupy (such as Admiral).

5. Avoid calling moderators unless absolutely necessary.

  • In-game issues that can be resolved between two people such as arguments should not have a moderator required to come on to solve them. You as a player are expected to resolve arguments unless it gets extremely heated or begins to break rules.

6. Do not ask to or attempt to apply to become a staff member using informal channels.

  • If staff applications or hiring is not explicitly open (such as a link being posted to a hiring form), do not attempt to self-advertise yourself or ask to apply to become staff.