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Ratings are a series of enlisted military specialties used in navies worldwide, including that of the Sol Defense Corps. Ratings used here are a streamlined variation of national counterparts. As a result, civilian-oriented ratings such as construction ratings are omitted.

Use in Titles[edit | edit source]

Ratings should be used with the two-letter abbreviation followed by the corresponding rank.

  • Shipman Recruits and Shipman Apprentices append their rating with R or A, respectively, such as ENR (Engineer's Mate Recruit).
  • Shipmen do not have a suffix at all, instead only using the rating title, such as Engineer's Mate (EN).
  • Petty Officers (3rd through 1st class) use their class number as the suffix, such as EN2. The 2 is read out as "X Class" (Engineer's Mate Second Class).
  • Chief, Senior Chief, and Master Chief Petty Officers have "Chief", "Senior Chief" or "Master Chief" prefixed to their titles, such as Master Chief Engineer's Mate. "C", "CS" or "CM" respectively for the suffix in the abbreviation, with the aforementioned rating having the abbreviation of ENCM.

Commissioned officers do not use the enlisted rating system; following instead the system of Line (Unrestricted/Restricted), Staff Corps, or Limited Duty officers. Their own rating is dependent on their assigned profession.

Enlisted Ratings[edit | edit source]

Position Rating Abbrev. Min. rank Occupation
Administrative Boatswain's Mate BM PO3 Train, supervise and oversee deck and drill maintenance.
Logistics Specialist LS PO3 Manage inventories and issuance of repair parts/general supplies and specialized supplies.
Yeoman YN PO3 Perform administrative and clerical work.
Legalman LM PO3 Assist in the proper management of law, including courts-martial and non-judicial punishment.
Technical Intelligence Specialist IS PO3 Collection, decryption and encryption of intelligence.
Quartermaster QM PO3 Assist in navigation, steering and sensors. Also command small craft.
Information System Technician IT PO3 Design, install, operate and maintain information and computing systems and information technology.
Electronics Technician ET SN Handle electronic equipment such as communications, sensory, and target detection systems.
Gunnery Torpedo Technician TP SA Load, unload and store torpedoes.
Missile Technician MT SN Operate and maintain missile systems and missiles ordnance.
Gunner GN SA Operate and maintain gunnery equipment and turrets.
Fire Control Technician FT SA Maintain weapons targeting and fire control systems on vessels.
Engineer Engineer's Mate EN SA Operate, control and maintain engineering and mechanical equipment.
Damage Control Technician DC SA Perform damage control, firefighting, and ship stability work and prevention.
Electrician EL SA Operate electrical equipment such as circuits, motors and reactors.
Medic Hospital Corpsman HCM SA Provide healthcare and act as paramedics, nurse aides or battlefield medics.
Steward Culinary Specialist CS SA Prepare menus, cook food and order food items.
Steward SW SA Maintain, clean and upkeep a vessel's interior.
Security Master-at-Arms MAA PO3 Uphold law, order, and maintain discipline. Protect life and property.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal EOD PO3 Locate, identify, render safe and dispose of all forms of explosives.
Forensic Technician FRT PO3 Investigate and determine forensic activities such as investigations.
Explorer Explorer XPL PO3 Chart, explore and document foreign territory.
Spec Ops Special Warfare Operator SO PO3 Conduct unconventional and special warfare.
Senior Enlisted Advisor Command Senior Chief Petty Officer CMD CMDCS Serve as the Senior Enlisted Advisor.
Command Master Chief Petty Officer CMDCM
Fleet/Force/Navy Master Chief Petty Officer FLT/FOR FLTCM