The ship's Departments are specialized sections of the area, responsible for the upkeep of the ship and its crew in their own respective ways. For example, Engineering fixes things, Security handles crimes and processing, and Command is there to regulate everything and supervise the crew. Each department is headed by a department Officer, with the exception of Command and Service, which are headed by the Captain and First Officer, respectively.
Department members have their own specialized training and education, and as a result usually are not supposed to perform tasks that fall outside their department's discipline, such as a doctor starting the reactor.
The Departments
Command: The executive department of the ship. Consists of the Captain, First Officer, and their bridge crew, including the Navigators, Communications Officers, and Bridge Officers. Headed by the Captain themselves.
Service: The generic department of assistance and service consisting of all Crewmen and its auxiliary roles. Headed by the First Officer.
Engineering: The mechanical department, tasked with maintaining the ship and its reactor as well as the repair and maintenance of the ship's equipment. Headed by the Engineering Officer.
Security: The department responsible for handling unruly crewmembers aboard the ship, as well as combating hostile threats and ensuring that peace is kept on the ship. Headed by the Tactical Officer.
Medical: The primary department tasked with ensuring the well-being and health of the crew. Consists of trained doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to ensure all crewmembers remain alive and well. Headed by the Medical Officer.
Science: The department responsible for scientific development aboard the ship. Carries out experiments, oversees expeditions, and studies alien lifeforms encountered by the ship. Headed by the Research Director.
Marines: A special detachment of marines, belonging to the UNSDC Marine Corps, intended for military-grade rapid response to threats security cannot otherwise handle. Headed by the Marine Officer.
Special Operations: A special operations detachment tasked with precise strikes, ranging from assassinations to targeted raids. Headed by the Spec Ops Officer.
Exploration: An away team extensively trained to work in hazardous and unfamiliar environments. Headed by the Pathfinder.