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"compare": {
"fromid": 1,
"fromrevid": 1,
"fromns": 0,
"fromtitle": "Main Page",
"toid": 2,
"torevid": 2,
"tons": 0,
"totitle": "Factions",
"*": "<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-lineno\">Line 1:</td>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-lineno\">Line 1:</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>'''Factions''' are groups or organizations within the SSRP Universe.</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">\u2212</td>\n <td class=\"diff-deletedline\"><div>=== Welcome to the SSRP wiki! ===</div></td>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>These factions range from the visionary [[United Nations]] to the aristocratic [[AXIOM Corporation]] to swaths of illegal criminal organizations. Each faction has varying power and influence in [[Sol]], and namely they possess their own workforce, ships, and sometimes even militaries.</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">\u2212</td>\n <td class=\"diff-deletedline\"><div>Here you can view lore, procedures, a codex, and more for Starship Roleplay.</div></td>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>== Governments ==</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>Organizations led by political officials, '''governments''' comprise the majority of influential powers in Sol and are often democratic.</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>=== United Nations ===</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>The [[United Nations]] is the executive government of Earth. While it does not hold power over its nations, it exercises itself as the representative body of humanity and Earth as a whole, operating a majority of combined projects outside of Earth's atmosphere, namely the [[Final Frontier Project]]. It additionally controls several [[colonies]] which are situated on different planets in the Sol system.</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>=== Colonial Administrations ===</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>The [[Colonial Administrations]] are governments under the jurisdiction of the UN, tasked with running and maintaining their own respective colonies. They are functionally only semi-independent, with the UN holding vast amounts of influence over the governments despite the claims they are \"independent\".</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>== Corporations ==</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>'''Corporations''' are led by enterprising individuals and are often civilian industries working in more than one discipline. Corporations that have political influence on a system-wide scale are usually massive, monopolistic megacorps with plenty of specializations and more often than not boasts their own private militaries.</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>== AXIOM Corporation ==</div></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\" class=\"diff-empty\"> </td>\n <td class=\"diff-marker\">+</td>\n <td class=\"diff-addedline\"><div>The [[AXIOM Corporation]] happens to be the largest megacorporation in Sol, with its near-monopoly on system-wide energy production and immense support and funding of several space projects the UN has, it is the United Nation's largest corporate supporter and one of its largest suppliers.</div></td>\n</tr>\n"