Talk:Main Page

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The Talk Page for Main will be used for discussing issues relating to the wiki as a whole.

Convert the wiki to private?[edit source]

I'd like to hold a consensus here as to whether or not we should restrict edit access to the wiki so that we can prevent spam in the future.

Do you people want to restrict editing access to the SSRP wiki? Let me know what you think.

--Naut (talk) 02:50, 21 February 2020 (UTC)

Personally not a fan of how MediaWiki lacks the ability to handle requested edits. --Corsaka (talk) 22:41, 26 August 2020 (UTC)

yes[edit source]


--MikeTheScientist (talk) 04:23, 21 February 2020 (UTC)Mika

Yeah. Though it would be cool if you can make it so they can still 'suggest'[edit source]


Yep.[edit source]

It'd be better in the long run for protection against vandalism. There's only like, a handful of people actually editing here to begin with, it would be ideal if editing was invite-only while the wiki remained publicly visible.

--Dhu (talk) 04:21, 21 February 2020 (UTC)

Yes[edit source]

It will help.

--Rainbowcat2413 (talk) 11:21, 28 Februuary 2020 (UTC)

why did we move to miraheze[edit source]

shoutwiki has a frick ton more usefull articles compared to the new miraheze one. theres legit no reason to move to miraheze