GPC-805 Endurant

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In-game pictures of the Endurant[edit | edit source]

Endurant Mess Hall.png
Endurant (Space View).png
Endurant Labatory.png
Endurant Core.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

Deck 0[edit | edit source]

Loading Ramp: The loading ramp is on Deck 0 and is used to bring cargo in. It is accessible by forwarding cargo bay through blast doors and a ladder from the Tactical Command Center It is accessible from space by an airlock (In-game the airlock is un-operational and most likely the current shuttle model won’t be able to fit into it)

Deployable Turret: This is a Deployable turret. It is deployed through a hatch and is then lowered down by an elevator. This is accessible through a ladder in the engineering bay.

Gas storage: Behind the Turret Room is a room containing gas storage tanks. Not much can be said about this. This is accessible through a ladder in the engineering bay.

A viewing panel: In front of the Turret room is a lowered viewing panel. Through it, you can look forward, and look down. It may be used as a lounge. This is accessible through a ladder in the engineering bay, then going down a few steps.