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The awards and decorations of the Sol Defense Corps, both Navy and Marine Corps, span both unique decorations as well as medals and awards inherited from the United States Navy.

Below is a list of the medals offered by the SDC, in order of precedence.

United Nations Medal of Honour[edit | edit source]

Ribbon Name Description Post-nominal
MedalofHonor.png Medal of Honour The United Nations Medal of Honour, inherited from the US's Medal of Honor, is the highest military decoration offered in the United Nations, rewarded for acts of extraordinary valour, heroism, and sacrifice. Awardees of the MoH are granted special privileges including increased retirement pay, enrollment on special billets, and the bestowment of the Medal of Honour flag, which flies the medal's eight-pointed star on a blue background. MOH
Exceptional Heroism Cross.png Exceptional Heroism Cross The Exceptional Heroism Cross is rewarded for acts of bravery or commendable actions that, while not commendable enough for a Medal of Honour, still demands some sort of recognition. EHC